

Created by Qloud Games

Find your new home, contribute to the community, and embark on adventures, together! For PC, Mac and Nintendo Switch.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🥳 We hit 1 MILLION: Loftia will now have Additional Islands & Biomes! 🎁 A BONUS gift for all Kickstarter-backers! Mystery stretch goal REVEALED! 👀
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 01:17:54 PM

Hey Loftians!

We did it!!! 🥳🥳🥳 The campaign has now raised an absolutely whopping million dollars, and in doing so, we've unlocked the Additional Islands and Biomes stretch goal! We know that all of us - both the team and the community - have been looking forward to this goal so much with our fingers crossed, and it feels almost surreal now that we've hit it! Congratulations and thank you so much, everyone!

To celebrate reaching this absolutely phenomenal goal, ALL backers will automatically receive this exclusive, commemorative banner that can be used to adorn player housing, and to show the world that you have believed in and supported Loftia from the very start!

Hang this up on a wall in your Loftian home and display it proudly for all to see!

But simply hitting this stretch goal isn't all that's happened - the next, final stretch goal of the campaign will now also be revealed! It'll come at the end of this update, but first, let's dive into some details about these new islands and biomes.

🍃 Additional Sky Islands & Biomes

It's here, what we've all been waiting for! With this feature unlocked, the Loftian skies will be expanding with more islands, places to explore, and adventures to embark on, and new, beautiful sceneries to admire!


The team has been so excited to start working on them, that we've already begun some early "exploration" (pun intended) of these islands. Check out the beginnings of one of the first new islands that will become accessible to Loftians outside of the main Loftia City hub! It's a nature reserve, where wind speeds are often higher than on the main city island, allowing for more efficient generation and collection of wind energy. There might also be some cute and cuddly animals just waiting to be found 👀 

With the introduction of additional islands and areas to visit, the question of "How will we get there?" is also raised. Without giving too much away, let's just say that it's going to take the work of an entire community to research and build certain technology that will enable players to explore the Loftian skies!

There's so much more that the team wants to add around this feature, and we've already got a huge number of ideas in the tank! Many of these ideas are still at a very early phase, so we can't share too much about them just yet. However, we'll be sure to reveal more about them as soon as we possibly can in the coming months, once we've settled on a direction and have prototypes that are ready to showcase.

What kind of island and/or biome are you the most interested in seeing? Let us know in the comments below.


The mystery stretch goal is finally here! A few dedicated Loftians have sleuthed around and already guessed what it is in the Discord, and yup, it's none other than the Adventure Builder!

With the addition of the Adventure Builder, you'll will be able to - you guessed it - build your very own adventures, play through them with friends, and share them with the community!

You can imagine it like a series of building blocks that you can link together - configure a switch that when it is pressed, a platform starts moving, or a door unlocks. Completing a scavenger hunt or a puzzle can trigger a visual effect or reveal a treasure chest! Use a library of pre-created configurable building blocks to create the gameplay and decorations for your own custom adventure, no coding skills required!

Will you build a tricky obstacle course? Or a mind bending puzzle? Or just a relaxing stroll through an island in the sky, covered in your decorations? We already have lots of cool ideas planned for these adventure building blocks, let us know if you have any suggestions in the comments below.

Adventure Jump

 We've got just over 2 days left now in the campaign, and if we keep this momentum going, we'll definitely be able to hit this final stretch goal! So let's keep pushing and unlock the adventure builder together 🙌

🥳 Player-run markets are here! And a pet-related surprise... 👀🌳
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 07:50:21 AM

Hi Loftians!

It feels like just a moment ago that we were putting up an update here announcing that we had hit the Animal Conservationist stretch goal, and now we're writing another one for unlocking the Player-Run Markets! It's absolutely surreal just how much attention the campaign has received in the last few days. Thank you so much for rallying behind us and making our campaign such a success, we appreciate you all more than we can put into words! 😊

Now, let's make this final push together in these last few days for Additional Islands & Biomes, as well as the final mystery stretch goal beyond that! It's going to be tight, but if this end-of-campaign surge continues, we've got a very good shot. So please continue sharing the campaign with your friends anyone you know who might be interested in Loftia!

What do you think the mystery goal might be? Drop your guess in the comments below!

Player-Run Markets!

Loftia is going to have PLAYER-RUN MARKETS!!! 🥳 This means we're going to be adding areas within Loftia City to facilitate trade between players. (To be clear, trading will be a base feature of Loftia. Players will be able to initiate 1-on-1 trades with other players at most locations in-game!) These newly-unlocked market areas, however, will allow you to find a nice spot that you like, to setup a popup market stall of your very own!

You'll be able to take any tradeable items from your inventory, and put them up for sale in your market stall! Become a Loftian entrepreneur: set your own prices for each item, and put up a custom message on your shop sign to grab the attention of other players passing by. You'll even be able to build or obtain different appearances for your popup stall, to make yours stand out from the rest. Just think of all the items you'll be able to farm, forage, craft, and otherwise obtain, then put up for everyone to see and buy!

This is a work-in-progress corner of Loftia's "community markets". We're now going to have to expand the markets to include the player-run sections too!

A surprise pet reveal...  🐢🌳

When we launched our final add-ons two days ago, we mentioned to some of you that there was originally going to be a unique appearance for our Loftian turtle pet, nicknamed "Turt" - however, it didn't quite make the cut. Upon hearing this news, many of you were understandably heartbroken, and so we just had to make sure that it arrived in the campaign, even if it was a little (fashionably) late!

So without further ado, we present to you one last add-on for the Loftia Kickstarter: Bonsai Turt! 🐢🐢🐢

Just a lil guy - now with more bonsai!

Bonsai Turt is a visual pet variant (or in other words, a "pet appearance"), meaning that they're still a turtle pet that will behave the exact same way that all other turtles in Loftia behave. They'll just look different! Bonsai Turt is the very last Kickstarter item that will be added, and will only be available in the next 3 days.

And just to clarify: Bonsai Turt will be able to wear the sprout hat (and other pet hats that are introduced in the future)!

More updates coming soon!

As always, thank you all so much for the continued, unwavering support. The campaign may have just a few days remaining, but we've still got more updates cooking in the oven, so stay tuned!!

🎁 New addons are HERE! 5 days left of the campaign 👀
about 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 08:04:20 AM

Hi Loftians!

We hope everyone's been doing well! Even though the campaign has been running for a few weeks already, them team is still starstruck by all of the incredible support and hype that all of you have been building towards Loftia. We seriously love and appreciate y'all so much!

We've got 5 days left in the campaign, and just there are some more stretch goals left to hit! We know how much these goals are exciting everyone, so let's make a final push to hit them - together, we can do it! The final days of Kickstarters are always super important, so please share the campaign with your friends and on socials if you can! 💙 

And if we hit Additional Islands & Biomes, we have another very special stretch goal to reveal... 👀

New Rewards and Addons!

Now let's have a look at the new campaign rewards! We've got a few addons, and one new "ultimate" reward tier.

Pebble, Pebble and even more Pebble!

We know how much everyone loves Pebble, so we had to introduce a new in-game Pebble Onesie Outfit! Imagine the in-game onesie slumber parties you'll be able to have with your friends, in the comfort of your cozy, shared homes 😊

We also received many requests to make the In-Game Pebble Plushie an addon as well, so we've gone ahead and added that too!

Pet Hat: Sprout Edition!

Grab yourself a pet-compatible sprout hat that will match perfectly with the player sprout hat that's been included in all the reward tiers! This hat will be wearable by all pets in-game.

The sprout hat looks especially cute on the baby penguin and the duck!

Cloud Turbine Hat

Carry the sustainable nature of Loftia with you at all times, with a cute Cloud Turbine Hat!

Loftia's key themes: wrapped nicely into a hat!

"Ultimate" Reward Tier: Loftian Designer!

Our final NPC Designer slot was taken a few days ago, and to be honest, we didn't expect it to fully sell out until the end of the campaign! However, we've decided to open up just more 5 slots for a final, "ultimate" tier of sorts: the Loftian Designer! This tier will come with:

  • NPC designer (and everything else in the NPC Designer tier) included!
  • Pet designer & pet outfit designer addons included!
  • Each of the 4 game keys will get all in-game reward addons included!
  • 1 x Golden Pebble Onesie outfit! 
Only 5 of these will be available in all of Loftia, 1 each for the backers of this tier!

Reward Breakdown Table

We mentioned this in our previous rewards update post, but we know that it's still a bit confusing that some of the older reward tiers have outdated "Details". Unfortunately this is because Kickstarter doesn't allow us to update the text or items-included sections of any reward tiers. Sorry about the confusion!

Please refer to this Reward Breakdown Table for the exact breakdown of what is included in each reward tier!

You can also find this table on the main campaign page, listed just underneath the rewards section.

Additionally, please note that all Kickstarter rewards (excluding game keys, physical merch, music OST and digital artbook) will be Kickstarter-exclusive!

Thank you!

Thank you for your ongoing support, everyone! Let's hit these additional stretch goals by the end of the month, together!

Animal Conservationist UNLOCKED, Team Q&A recording link, and an end-of-campaign mini rewards drop!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 11:54:17 AM

Hey Loftians!

Let's all give ourselves a huge pat on our backs - we've now OFFICIALLY UNLOCKED the Animal Conservationist stretch goal! Thank you all so, SO much for making this possible!

We're going to dive a little deeper into what the animal conservationist feature, but before that, we've got some other news to share quickly!

Loftia Team Q&A

Earlier in the week, we did our first ever Team Q&A session, where several members from our team got together on Discord and answered a bunch of questions from all of you in the Loftian community. Thank you to those who came along and participated, we had such a blast!

For those of you who couldn't make it, we've uploaded a recording of the session onto YouTube. You can check it out here! It's quite lengthy, so for timestamps, check the video description on YouTube!

We'll be doing more streams like these in the future, so there'll be more opportunities to have your questions answered. In the meantime, if you've got anything you'd like to ask, please do drop them into the comments section of the Kickstarter, or direct message us here on the Kickstarter platform!

Final rewards and addons mini-release!

Since we introduced the new rewards and addons last week, we've gotten a bunch of additional requests for some more! So we're going to drop a final, small batch of addons tomorrow morning, at 10AM ET/7AM PT on August 26!

There'll be some Pebble-related in-game items (we realized that everyone loves Pebble even more than we had thought, which had seemed impossible!), and some more clothing and pet-related addons. Keep your eyes peeled!

What's inside Pebble's mystery box, we wonder...?

Animal Conservationist

So, coming back to animal conservation in Loftia - what will it involve? Well, there will be several different aspects to it, including:

  • Players will be able to rescue endangered and injured animals from nearby floating islands, as part of natural world exploration, as well as adventures!
  • The existing Loftia animal sanctuary will now be expanded to accommodate additional conservation-related activities, such as helping nurse injured animals back to health and, conducting research on endangered species!
The animal sanctuary will be undergoing an upgrade, now that the Animal Conservationist stretch goal has been unlocked!
  • Players will also be able to contribute to community events to clean up and restore the habitats of nearby islands and areas, and upon being nursed back to health, animals can be released into those areas to repopulate them.

As this is such a newly hit stretch goal, the finer-grained aspects of the design are still a work-in-progress, but we hope that these details have already gotten you excited! And because the design is still in flux, we'd love to hear your ideas too. What additional mechanics would you like to see in animal conservation in Loftia? Leave your ideas in the comments below!

🎵 Loftian Tunes and 🐞 Bug Booster BOTH UNLOCKED! Additional sky islands and biomes! ☁️ And a Q&A Live Stream with the Loftia development team!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 12:35:03 PM

Hey Loftians!

We've blown right past two stretch goals in just the last 3 days, which is absolutely incredible! We say this in every update, but only because it's so true: we cannot appreciate the wonderful Loftian community enough for all of your support for the game and campaign. None of this would be possible without you!

In this post, we're going to dive into more details about the newly-unlocked stretch goals: Loftian Tunes and Bug Booster. But just before that, we've got an exciting community event to announce!

🖥️ Loftia Team Livestream

We're running a Team Q&A Livestream on Discord with 7 members of the team, next Tuesday evening (August 22nd) at 6pm PT / 9pm ET! We'll be answering questions from the community about anything Loftia and Kickstarter related, including any specific or technical questions for our team members!

If you've got any questions that you'd like answered during the livestream, you can pop into our Discord server and drop it in the "kickstarter-faq" Discord thread! The stream will run for an hour, and will be recorded and uploaded for anyone who isn't able to watch it live.

🎵 Loftian Tunes

Hitting the Loftian Tunes means that we're going to introduce record players to Loftia! You'll be able to collect record items throughout the game world from a variety of different activities to add to your collection.

Certain records will only be attainable via specific activities, including from exploring and foraging out in the Loftian islands, completing adventures, or receiving as a gift from an NPC once you've formed a strong enough friendship with them. We're also thinking about allowing the trading of records between players, so you can help each other complete your collections!

To play the records you've collected, you'll need to have crafted or bought a record player and set it down in your home. We've already begun concepting some art around Loftian record players!

Record players that you can use to decorate your home, and play the records you've collected!

Later on in your Loftian journey, you'll even be able to acquire fancier record players. These upgraded record players will push the aesthetics of your room further, and may even offer additional gameplay features in the form of minigames!

More advanced record players, for a more hi-tech aesthetic. They'll be harder to acquire, though!

And that's not all. If you're a composer or songwriter, you've got even more reason reason to be excited about this one, because we will introduce the occasional record containing pieces submitted by you - members from the Loftian community! The player-submitted tunes that are hand-picked by Loftia's staff will be baked into the game in the form of a record item that players can obtain, and will of course also credit the author for all to see!

🐞 Bug Booster

Bug-catching is a very common feature seen in other cozy games. Now that we've hit the "Bug Booster" stretch goal, you'll be able to catch bugs in Loftia too! We've already concepted a few species of unique Loftian bugs!

We think these bugs are going to be so cute! They're mushroom-inspired species.

However, bug-catching in Loftia comes with a twist: instead of simply just keeping them in your inventory and showing them off, you'll be able to introduce your new critter friends to your farms, where they will form symbiotic relationships with your crops! Bugs can help your farm by cross-pollinating the crops to increase the likelihood of better seeds, as well as contribute to keeping the balance of nutrients within your farm at optimal levels for better crop quality and growth times, and more!

☁️ Our next major stretch goal revealed: Additional Islands & Biomes!

With the unlocking of the above stretch goals, we're super excited to reveal the major stretch goal at the US$ 1M mark: Additional Islands & Biomes! This will be such a major addition to the Loftian world -- explore, forage, and adventure in wonderous new biomes, floating in the sky!

We're really hoping to hit this goal, and to do so, we'll need your help - please share the news about Loftia and our campaign with anyone you think would be interested! We've still got until August 31st, with over 10 days left to get there. Let's do this, together!✊

Thank you!

Have an amazing day, everyone! We'll see you back here with even more updates before we know it. 💙